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Debug Info
Node Name: rss3
Git Hash: 0ae1f0c5
Git Date: Sun, 15 Sep 2024 05:05:59 GMT
Cache Duration: 10800s
Request Amount: 9811
Request Frequency: 655.734 times/minute
Cache Hit Ratio: 9.49%
ETag Matched Ratio: 4.20%
Health: 23.99%
Uptime: 0.25 hour(s)
Hot Routes: 1012 /telegram/channel/:username/:routeParams?
1008 /twitter/user/:id/:routeParams?
646 /bilibili/user/dynamic/:uid/:routeParams?
470 /weibo/user/:uid/:routeParams?
401 /pixiv/user/:id
172 /bilibili/user/video/:uid/:disableEmbed?
124 /xiaoyuzhou/podcast/:id
119 /healthz
116 /youtube/user/:username/:embed?
100 /twitter/media/:id/:routeParams?
97 /youtube/channel/:id/:embed?
82 /github/issue/:user/:repo/:state?/:labels?
80 /t66y/:id/:type?/:search?
79 /javbus/:path{.+}?
76 /
71 /wechat/ershicimi/:id
64 /zhihu/people/activities/:id
59 /kemono/:source?/:id?
58 /jike/topic/:id/:showUid?
54 /bbc/:site?/:channel?
50 /instagram/:category/:key
43 /xueqiu/user/:id/:type?
42 /douban/people/:userid/status/:routeParams?
41 /2048/:id?
39 /github/trending/:since/:language/:spoken_language?
39 /36kr/:category/:subCategory?/:keyword?
35 /youtube/community/:handle
34 /nytimes/:lang?
33 /picnob/user/:id
30 /metrics
Hot Paths: 119 /healthz
77 /
38 /t66y/7
33 /zaobao/realtime/china
30 /metrics
28 /latepost
24 /sspai/index
23 /zaobao/realtime/world
22 /bbc/chinese
21 /epicgames/freegames
21 /nosec/hole
20 /caixin/article
20 /zaobao/znews/china
19 /nytimes/dual
18 /36kr/hot-list
18 /ithome/ranking/24h
18 /openai/blog
17 /t66y/16
17 /theinitium/channel/latest/zh-hans
16 /thepaper/featured
15 /bing
14 /caixin/latest
14 /jandan/top
13 /guokr/scientific
13 /t66y/25
13 /caijing/roll
13 /huxiu/article
13 /36kr/newsflashes
13 /douban/movie/weekly
12 /natgeo/dailyphoto
Hot Error Routes: 958 /twitter/user/:id/:routeParams?
646 /bilibili/user/dynamic/:uid/:routeParams?
401 /pixiv/user/:id
390 /telegram/channel/:username/:routeParams?
285 /weibo/user/:uid/:routeParams?
172 /bilibili/user/video/:uid/:disableEmbed?
124 /xiaoyuzhou/podcast/:id
100 /twitter/media/:id/:routeParams?
82 /github/issue/:user/:repo/:state?/:labels?
80 /t66y/:id/:type?/:search?
71 /wechat/ershicimi/:id
64 /zhihu/people/activities/:id
59 /kemono/:source?/:id?
58 /jike/topic/:id/:showUid?
54 /bbc/:site?/:channel?
50 /instagram/:category/:key
46 /youtube/user/:username/:embed?
43 /xueqiu/user/:id/:type?
42 /douban/people/:userid/status/:routeParams?
41 /2048/:id?
39 /github/trending/:since/:language/:spoken_language?
39 /36kr/:category/:subCategory?/:keyword?
34 /nytimes/:lang?
31 /picnob/user/:id
30 /jike/user/:id
29 /youtube/community/:handle
29 /pixiv/search/:keyword/:order?/:mode?/:include_ai?
28 /juejin/trending/:category/:type
27 /javbus/:path{.+}?
25 /pornhub/category/:caty
Hot Error Paths: 34 /t66y/7
28 /zaobao/realtime/china
26 /latepost
22 /zaobao/realtime/world
22 /bbc/chinese
20 /epicgames/freegames
20 /sspai/index
19 /zaobao/znews/china
19 /caixin/article
18 /nosec/hole
17 /nytimes/dual
16 /thepaper/featured
15 /ithome/ranking/24h
15 /theinitium/channel/latest/zh-hans
14 /caixin/latest
14 /jandan/top
14 /t66y/16
13 /openai/blog
12 /btzj/forum-index-fid-981
12 /guokr/scientific
12 /t66y/25
12 /caijing/roll
12 /36kr/newsflashes
12 /bing
12 /coolapk/tuwen-xinxian
11 /bbc/world-asia
11 /telegram/channel/channel_ani
11 /zhihu/daily
11 /idaily/today
11 /telegram/channel/FlutterDevRu

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